Treats the specified number of rows as file headers and does not load them. The format in which the provided S3 files are compressed in. Null values are loaded as null regardless. Otherwise, empty string values in the input documents are loaded as null. If selected, empty string values in the input documents are loaded as empty strings to the string-type fields. Truncate column values which are larger than the maximum column length in the table. By default, the load stops on the first error.Įxample: 10 (if you want the pipeline execution to continue as far as the number of failed records is less than 10) Default value: 100 A maximum number of rows which can fail before the bulk load operation is stopped. Invalid UTF-8 characters are replaced with a question mark when loading.
Update table statistics after data load by performing an analyze operation on the table.Īccept invalid characters in the input. Please note this feature is supported in the EC2-type Groundplex only. To enable this feature, the following line should be added to global.properties and the jcc (node) restarted: jcc.jvm_options = -DIAM_CREDENTIAL_FOR_S3=TRUE

The IAM credential stored in the EC2 metadata is used to gain access rights to the S3 buckets. The 'IAM_CREDENTIAL_FOR_S3' feature is used to access S3 files from EC2 Groundplex, without Access-key ID and Secret key in the AWS S3 account in the Snap.

The Redshift S3 Upsert Snap loads the data from the given list of s3 files using the COPY command and inserts the data if not already in the the redshift table using INSERT ALL query or update if it exists. Refer to AWS Amazon documentation for more information. An update operation is then run to update existing records in the target table and/or an insert operation is run to insert new records into the target table.

A temporary table is created on Redshift with the contents of the staging file. This Snap directly upserts (inserts or updates) data from a file (source) on a specified Amazon S3 location to the target Redshift table.